
The ECEP Alliance has developed models for state change, toolkits, and coaching models that help state teams build sustainable, equity-focused, strategies to increase the number and diversity of students in computer science and computing related pathways.

The resources below, including resources, policies, and practices, developed by ECEP state teams, are available for your state team. If you are interested in a specific resource, or would like to schedule a coaching session, please complete this inquiry form.

Resources include:

  • State summit toolkit
  • Landscape report toolkit
  • Example state strategic plans
  • Access to ECEP coaching sessions

ECEP Models for Change

ECEP models and frameworks promote systemic changes that center equity as a core goal of CS educational improvement.

How to Change a State

ECEP’s 5-Stage Model for state change serves as a guide for systemic change efforts. This model will help your state team design an action plan for CS education policy efforts.


Examining equitable Capacity for, Access to, Participation in, and Experiences of CS education is an important stage in any BPC effort. The CAPE model provides a lens for examining interdependent components of CS education.

Stakeholders Involved in BPC

Engagement of multi-sector leaders, who represent the diversity of the students that a BPC initiative is seeking to serve, is key to ensuring that strategies developed will serve K-12, higher education, government, and industry. This list will help your state build a strong team.

The Common Metrics Project (CMP)

This project engages state teams in data gathering, data analysis, data reporting, and data utilization that leads to an increase in evidence-based BPC advocacy, policy development, and implementation.

Scaling Innovative Pedagogy (ScIP)

An ECEP-designed course that equips educators with the resources and skills necessary to focus on broad access to, participation in, and experiences of computer science in their schools and classrooms.

ECEP Tools

Practical resources such as the State Summit and Landscape Report toolkits help state leaders operationalize the ECEP 5-Stage Model for systemic change.

State Summit Toolkit

Summits can promote equity and democratize change efforts by giving voice to all stakeholders in a collaborative and action oriented environment. This toolkit helps state teams define the purpose of an event, create structure, and plan the logistics for a summit.

Landscape Report Toolkit

Landscape Reports are a vital tool for identifying the current status of CS education in a state and establishing strategic goals.

Policy Briefs

Policy Briefs document promising practices and examine policies, pathways and practices that states are implementing to increase equitable CSEd in K-14.

Broadening Participation in Computing Coalitions Toolkit

The COLLABORATE Coallitions Toolkit is a comprehensive, action-oriented resource designed to help state teams and coalitions build, sustain, and grow their efforts to advance Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC) efforts.

State Resources, Policies, & Practices

ECEP states have developed numerous resources that can be adapted for use in other states. These resources have been tested in other states and will provide your team with a foundational understanding of how to proceed in your broadening participation in computing efforts.

State Strategic Plans

Review sample strategic plans from ECEP states to inform your own strategic planning process.

Landscape Reports

Read landscape reports from ECEP states to serve as models for your state CS landscape efforts, or understand how other states are advancing CS education.

State Summit Models

Sample agendas and other resources from state-led computer science summits. Agendas available for download.

State Policy Examples

State policies can help broaden participation in CS education and sustain momentum towards CS for all. These policies provide examples of state change efforts that support lasting change. Policies that are equity explicit are identified.

State Created Resources

ECEP states develop tools and resources that can be adapted in other states, or used as models from which to develop your own resources.

ECEP Connect

ECEP resources are available to all states. We are here to support your state-level change efforts. We offer support through resource sharing, state team coaching, and our ECEP Connect events.

State Coaching & Expert Bureau

ECEP coaching sessions are designed to walk you through ECEP’s state change model and connect you and your state team to ECEP resources such as the Summit Guide, landscape reports, strategic plans, and CS state data efforts. Please complete this form to help us to understand more about your strategic direction or to schedule a time to meet with us. 

ECEP Connect Virtual Events 

Offered annually, these virtual events provide an opportunity for all states to explore promising practices for BPC and to leverage ECEP’s resources and expertise.