A landscape report is an aerial picture of what a state looks like in terms of K-12 computer science education. ECEP recommends that states conduct a landscape report as an initial step in the five-stage state change model. Landscape reports accomplish a number of vital strategic tasks in a state initiating state change. When state leadership teams form they are usually confronted with the question ‘what’s next?’ and often with a limited toolbox of resources. By conducting landscape surveys states gain a sense of computer science education gaps, opportunities and existing state education and industry efforts that can support broadening participation initiatives.
Landscape reports help state teams to:
When states collect this information, they can better leverage their allies, identify gaps and move toward state-level CS education reform.
Path Not Found: Disparities in Access to Computer Science Courses in California High Schools
CS for CT: Examining the Landscape of Computer Science in Connecticut
Computer Science: A Landscape Picture and State Plan for Georgia
Catching Up to Move Forward: A Computer Science Education Landscape Report of Hawai‘i Public Schools, 2017–2020
Status of K-12 Computer Science Education in Indiana
Maryland Center for Computing Education Annual Report 2021
Technology Talent Initiative Workforce Plan
Computer Science Briefs
NH Computing Education Landscape Report Final
Nevada Department of Education Status Report: Computer Science Education
CS for SC: A Landscape Report of K-12 Computer Science in South Carolina
Building the Texas Computer Science Pipeline
CS Task Force Report 2018