The ECEP Connect Virtual Summit is a convening hosted by the ECEP Alliance where all states have an opportunity to engage with ECEP’s model for state change and leverage its resources and network of state and national leaders working to broaden participation in computing.

This one-day annual event will be on October 17, 2024 from 1:00pm - 6:00pm ET and is open to all states, regardless of ECEP member status. To ensure interactive sessions, registration is required and limited to a select number of participants.


At ECEP Connect, you'll:

Learn, collaborate, and share best practices and resources for broadening participation in computing.

Access and leverage available ECEP resources.

Establish a personalized vision and actionable strategies for broadening participation in computing!


How do I register?

You can register directly via the registration form. Registration is quick and simple, and should not take more than a few minutes to complete. To ensure interactive sessions, attendance is limited.

Is there a limit to attendance?

In an effort to foster quality connections and create an environment of exchange, this event is capped at a limited number of attendees. All are welcome (and encouraged!) to apply, and our review process prioritizes state and regional representation, interest in utilizing the ECEP Alliance network and resources, and first time ECEP event- attendees

How do I sign up to be a speaker?

For the inaugural event, presenters have been selected from the ECEP Alliance network of state leaders. However, if you are especially passionate and have a topic you’d like to bring to future events, please reach out to Jaci McCune to discuss.

Do you have to be in an ECEP member state to participate?

No! That’s the beauty of ECEP Connect – these resources are available to ALL states. If you’re passionate about and/or interested in BPC, equity, and systemic improvements to computer science education within your state and beyond, please register to join.

What is the event cost?

Thanks to funding from the National Science Foundation, this event is free and available to all!

What topics will the event cover?

The event topics are organized around the ECEP 5-Stage Model for state change which guides systemic change efforts. Sessions will highlight ways to establish CS state teams, developing landscape reports, scaling inclusion in CS teaching, advocating for CS policy change, and building a state CS data dashboard.

How is this event unique from other events?

What makes the ECEP Connect virtual event different from other events is its focus on equity, BPC, and freely-available ECEP-specific resources and models.

About the ECEP Alliance

The ECEP Alliance launched in 2012 to support state efforts to broaden participation in K-16 computing through collective impact. Our work is focused on systems change, targeting policy, practices, and pathways to computer science education. In over a decade, we’ve grown to support 29 states and the territory of Puerto Rico, helping them build the infrastructure needed to make notable gains in capacity, access, participation, and experiences of equitable computer science education.

Some of our core activities include:

  • Catalyzing and coaching diverse state-level leadership teams
  • Developing common state-level metrics for identifying and measuring broadening participation in computing efforts
  • Promoting research-based best practices for creating inclusive computing classrooms
  • Supporting state and national summits focused on broadening participation in computing
  • Providing seed funding for state level strategies