Reflections on CS Ed Week 2015

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    In support of this year's Computer Science Education Week (December 7-13), ECEP states organized various CS Ed Week activities to encourage participation in computing.

    Some highlights of this year's CS Ed Week iin ECEP states:

    Alabama' webinar for K-12 teachers, featuring Laura Kline of, reached over 300 teachers and built awareness about Hour of Code and CS Ed Week (archive of the webinar is available here). The Governor of Alabama issued a procalamation of CS Ed Week and the Alabama State Department of Education issued a a press release encouraging all teachers to participate in Hour of Code.

    In addition to California's Debra Richardson's work with and CSEdWeek organizers to broaden the scope of "Hour of Code"  to include longer community computing events called CS Tech Jams, ECEP-California Project Coordinator Vinh Luong created a CS Ed Week starter kit to help local educators promote CS Ed Week and CS Tech Jams. NCWIT launched Technolochicas, a project to raise awareness among young Latinas about opportunities and careers in technology, with several CS Ed Week-related events in the Los Angeles area. California Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom, with the support of tech leaders and educators, sent a letter to the University of California Board of Admissions, urging them to count computer science as satisfying the math requirement for admission.

    Maryland awarded George Washington Carver Elementary School a $10,000 prize from during the second year of its "Maryland Hour of Code" contest, which encourages students and schools across the state to particpate in at least one hour of code during Computer Science Education Week.

    In Utah, the governor participated in Hour of Code at Escalante Elementary School, which won the $10K prize. Students taught Utah government and industry leaders Minecraft; local businesses also brought in kids to participate in activities for CS Ed Week. Overall, there was a lot of excitement and publicity for CS Ed Week in the state.