National Data Resources
The resources linked below can help you quickly find state-level data about the status of computer science education in your state. These are good starting points for putting together a landscape report that answers common questions on CS education in your state.
Are there examples of state and national landscape reports that I can look at?
A number of state-level landscape reports have been developed, some of which are publicly available. The reports on the ECEP landscape report page are good examples of state-specific landscape reports. The national reports below provide insight into the CS for all movement across the US, while also highlighting local data.
Resource: 2023 State of CS Report | 2022 State of CS Report | 2021 State of CS Report | 2020 State of CS Report | 2019 State of CS Report | 2018 report | 2017 report
Data:, in collaboration with CSTA, and ECEP, released the 2024 annual report on trends in CS education and the extent to which each of the 50 states are adopting the 10 policies which are focused on clarity, capacity, sustainability, and leadership in CS education.
Resource: National Survey of Science and Mathematics Education (NSSME+) 2018 report
Data: The 2018 NSSME+ (the plus symbol reflecting the additional focus on CS education) was designed to provide up-to-date information and to identify trends in the areas of teacher background and experience, curriculum and instruction, and the availability and use of instructional resources.
Resource: Girls Who Code Gender Participation in CS Data
Data: Breakdown of participation in CS courses for 2016-17 and 2017-18 academic years. Breakdowns are provided by state and include race, gender and socioeconomic factors.
What is the workforce need for computing in my state? Are we meeting the need?
Career pathways in computing and workforce need are often identified as reasons to address the lack of computing pathways as well as the lack of diversity in computing from K-12 to careers. These resources offer some data and research on the connection between our work in K-12 and career pathways.
Resource: Rebooting the Pathway to Success: Preparing Students for Computing Workforce Needs in the United States (2014) Association for Computing Machinery’s (ACM) report on computer science in secondary education. State-by-state snapshots begin on page 35.
Data: Total employment in computing; average annual salaries in computing; graduation requirement; Advanced Placement exams; post-secondary certificates and degrees awarded.
Those seeking detailed and updated information should go directly to sources such as the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.For Labor projections that can be done by state, please visit:
The Action to Catalyze Tech Report (ACT Report), released in 2021, provides actions and recommendations for teams seeking to build pathways to careers and to address the lack of diversity in CS careers.
What CS education policies from the 9 'Big Ideas' has my state adopted?
Knowing what policies your state has in place is important for building new state strategies and implementation plans. This spreadsheet, as well as state policy examples on this site, will help state teams understand their policy landscape and advocate for new or revised policies.
Resource: Advocacy Coalition state tracking on 9 big indicators
Data: Shows current best-known information (available to about 9 key indicators around state policy, including standards, funding, certification and others. Areas are displayed in aggregate on the first tab with details available on each item in subsequent tabs.
What are the demographics of the students taking Advanced Placement Computer Science in my state?
While new data sources are being pursued, as of 2022 AP data remains some of the most consistent across schools and states. These links provide access to current and historic data.
Resource: Dr. Barbara Ericson's blog Computing for Everyone
Data: This blog has several indepth posts exploring the demographics of AP CS exam takers. There are links to Excel data sets.
Resource: AP Data Report
Data: An interactive set of data created using Tableau. Data can be viewed by race/ethnicity or gender and can be parsed by state.
Resource: AP data that can be downloaded by state.
Data: Up until 2022, the College Board provided AP data by state each year (this included all AP exams, including AP CS A and AP CSP). Historic reports are still available.
Do teachers in my state need to be certified or licensed to teach CS?
Expanding CS pathways in K-16 will only happen with trained teachers in classrooms. The “Certification” tab at the top of the policy tracking spreadsheet allows you to see teacher certification strategies and policies at a glance.
Resource: state tracking on 9 big indicators
Data: Shows current best-known information (available to about 9 key indicators around state policy, including standards, funding, certification and others. Areas are displayed in aggregate on the first tab with details available on each item in subsequent tabs.
Does computer science count for science or math credit for high school graduation or college admission in my state?
Counting CS as a math credit has long been seen as a pathway that would allow more students to enroll in computing, with the potential for also reaching more diverse demographics of students. These resources provide some insight into this policy.
Resource: State Information Request: Computer Science Requirements for High School Graduation
Data: 2021 Education Commission of the States Resource.
Resource: State Information Request: Math, Science, Computer Science in Graduation Requirements
Data: 2018 Education Commission of the States Resource.
Resource: Computer Science in High School Graduate Requirements, ECS Educational Trends Brief, April 2015.
Data: Summary of state policies for requiring, allowing, or awarding credit for computer science in high school.
How do I find out more about STEM and Career-Technical Education in my state?
Resource: Advance CTE, nonprofit representing State Directors and state leaders responsible for CTE (formerly known as Nat’l Assoc. of State Directors of CTE Consortium- NASDCTEc.)
Data: Compare CTE in states
Resource: Association for Career & Technical Education
Data: State profiles
Resource: Perkins Collaborative Resource Network
Data: Perkins IV state profiles
Other Resources:
How many computer science college graduates are there in my state?
Resource: IPEDS data center.
Data: The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System is a system maintained by the National Center for Education Statistics. It can be used to query information on graduates in a specific field based on CIP codes (CIP code 11 is Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services). Information can be queried at the institution, state and national level (as well as other geographic distinctions). The most recent final-release data typically include the time period up to 2 years ago. Data can be parsed by gender as well as race/ethnicity.
What are the demographics of K-12 students in my region/state?
Resource: NCES Elementary/Secondary information System
Data: The National Center for Education Statistics hosts a “table generator” that can be used to query information about institutional and school characteristics of K-12 schools (this can be done on an individual school, state or national level). A large array of data are available, including fine-grained information about gender/race/ethnicity by grade level. Data are available for both public and private institutions, though the public school data are considerably more consistent and robust.
Where can I access data on bachelor's and doctoral degree granting programs?
Resource: Taulbee Survey
Data: The Taulbee Survey is conducted annually by the Computing Research Association (CRA) and captures information on students at the bachelor, graduate and PhD level in CS, computer engineering and IT.
What other NSF projects are currently funded in my state that could align with our CS efforts?
There are two major ways to search for NSF awards, both offer search functions that allow you to discover similar projects in your area or area of interest.
Resource: NSF Award Search
Data: NSF offers a simple search and an advanced search feature that allow you to search projects specific to broadening participation in computing.
Resource: NSF Award Summary
Data: A database that contains both aggregated information about the level of NSF funding at the state and national level as well as an option to look at the individual awards within a single state.
What does K-12 computer science participation look like in my state?
Resource: Does your school teach computer science (from
Data: A detailed map of the U.S. showing schools that are believed to offer CS as well as those areas where opportunities are limited or non-existent.
Resource: Evaluator Working Group CS10k Report
Data: Report produced by ECEP’s Evaluator Working Group, which spent several years doing common data collection for the CS10k suite of projects. The group collected a standard set of background and demographics for teachers and students and also collected information about which schools have a trained CS10k teacher working there.
Where else can I find more state-level detailed data on CS education, policy, and workforce issues?
- National Center for Education Statistics
- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce
- Achieve: State Progress on Major College- and Career-Ready Education Policies
- Education Commission of the States – tracks state policy trends
- State Education Governance Models
- Standard High School Graduation Requirements
- 50-State Comparison: K-12 Governance
- 50-State Comparison: Education and Workforce Development Connections